Hoping No One Will Remember His Public Record Merkley Crosses Way Over Health Care Credibility Line 4/14/08

There are three choices for health care reform in our state facing every candidate for public office and voter in Oregon:
1. The Oregon Community Health Care Bill (Which involves no new taxes, will reduce public institutional expenditures for health insurance by 20% and provides equality of health care for public employees and citizens.)

2. Senate Bill 329 (Which, according to Representative Mitch Greenlick, will cost an additional Billion dollars in taxes and relies on the failed private health insurance industry model assuring continued unsustainable escalation of public institutional health insurance contributions.)

3. Maintain the status quo.

Jeff Merkley Supports Senate Bill 329 and a Billion dollars in new taxes to pay for it most of which will go to the failed private health insurance industry

March 12, 2007

Dear House Speaker Merkley and Senate President Courtney:
The current legislative debate over health care reform in our state does not include our view that the profit oriented private health insurance industry must not be the model upon which a solution to Oregon's moral and economic health care crisis should be based and that Oregon elected officials - public employees - voters and taxpayers must have equal access to the same level of health care not a perpetuation of our current multitiered health insurance class system.

We request that you find a place holder bill in each chamber which would substitute in its entirety the language of the Oregon Community Health Care Bill (see attached) so that an alternative choice may be discussed and debated this session. The Oregon Community Health Care Bill is the only current fully formed piece of proposed legislation which supports our vision of health care reform. We would welcome others that also meet our requirements.

Thank you for your attention.

Richard Ellmyer - Oregon Community Health Care Bill author 
Sam Adams - Portland City Council
Jeff Cogen - Multnomah County Commissioner
Edwars "Chip" Enbody - Hubbard City Council
Darrell Flood - Mayor of Lafayette
Bill Hall - Lincoln County Commissioner
Jim Needham - Mollala City Council
Michelle Ripple - Wilsonville City Council
Mary Schamehorn - Mayor of Bandon
Pete Sorenson - Lane County Commissioner

House Speaker Jeff Merkley ignored the basic American democratic principles of fair play and competition of ideas in the public arena and disrespected the legitimate, reasonable and civil requests of nine elected Oregon public officials and the million Oregonians they represent as expressed in the letter above.

These ACTIONS as a public official are already on the record. Now, read below Merkley's contradictory and indefensible promises as a candidate. Please notice the disconnect between the candidate's words and the speaker's deeds. 

From: "Matt Canter, Communications Director" <campaign@jeffmerkley.com>
Date: April 14, 2008 2:37:55 PM PDT
To: Merkley List
Subject: Jeff's wife Mary is on TV!

Check out our campaign's great new ad featuring Jeff's wife, Mary Sorteberg.
In the 30-second spot entitled "Know" Mary talks about Jeff's passion for changing the country. She makes the case that when it comes to health care, Jeff will stand up to the big insurance and drug companies and fight for affordable health care for all of us.
merkley wife

Click here to view the ad!
We're very excited about this ad. Mary is such a big part of our campaign's success and a big reason why Jeff Merkley is the leader to stand up to health care special interests and deliver change for every day people.
Look for this ad on TV this week!
Matt Canter
Communications Director

Watch John Frohnmayer's authentic health care reform video

frohnmayer video


Richard Ellmyer
Oregon Community Health Care Bill author and project champion
President, MacSolutions Inc. - A Macintosh computer consulting business providing web hosting for artists and very small businesses.
Writer/Publisher - Oregon Health Watcher commentary - Published on the Internet (http://www.goodgrowthnw.org/health.html) and distributed to thousands of readers interested in public health care policy in Oregon. To Subscribe: HAP-Watchers-on@goodgrowthnw.org

FYI - A Sampling Of Maximum Current Public Employer Contributions To Public Employee Health Insurance Benefits
Dollar figures are for individual paychecks per month.

Multnomah County - $ 1,282
City of Eugene - $ 1,256
City of Portland - $ 1,246
Portland Public Schools - $ 1,217
Oregon State University - $1,188
Portland State University - $ 1,129
City of Gresham - $1,120
University of Oregon - $ 1,084
State of Oregon - $ 1,006
Beaverton School District - $ 921
Multnomah County ESD - $ 768
Metro Regional Government - $ 763
Lane ESD - $ 750